Wednesday 25 December 2013

Passing arguments to functions in Golang

Functions wouldn't be much use if we couldn't pass parameters to them. Rewriting our previous example, we might decide to create a function that takes a string as it's single argument.
package main

import "fmt"

func saySomething(somethingToSay string) {

func main() {
We've declared a function saySomething that takes a single argument. The argument is a string type and is called somethingToSay. We then use our new function, calling it twice from our main func to output:
Go also provides first class functions. This means we can pass a function as an argument into another function. For example:
package main

import "fmt"

func hello(aFunc func(words string) string) {

func main() {

    var x = func(words string) string {
        return words + " world"

Again, all our program does is print
Hello world
, though in a roundabout way. We've defined a function hello which accepts as its argument another function - note that the argument defines the signature of the function we expect to receive - in this case, a function that takes one string argument and returns a string. Moving into our main function, we define x to be a function that will append " world" onto whatever string is passed in. This is rather convoluted, but illustrates the point. Now, if we fancy, we can define a goodbye function as well - to wit:
package main

import "fmt"

func goodbye(aFunc func(words string) string) {

func hello(aFunc func(words string) string) {

func main() {

    var x = func(words string) string {
        return words + " world"

Now our program outputs the following:
Hello world
Goodbye world
Now our code is ripe for a refactor - we have duplicate argument definitions, which we can code out - but we will leave that to another post.

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